NY Times T Style Magazine | Arno Frugier tərəfindən Maks Esken


The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow is another Day Saç: Owen Gould Wall Group-da Stilistin köməkçisi: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow is another Day Saç: Owen Gould Wall Group-da Stilistin köməkçisi: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow is another Day Saç: Owen Gould Wall Group-da Stilistin köməkçisi: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow is another Day Saç: Owen Gould Wall Group-da Stilistin köməkçisi: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow is another Day Saç: Owen Gould Wall Group-da Stilistin köməkçisi: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow is another Day Saç: Owen Gould Wall Group-da Stilistin köməkçisi: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow is another Day Saç: Owen Gould Wall Group-da Stilistin köməkçisi: Kelly Harris

NY Times T Style Magazine fotoqrafın moda essesini təqdim edir Arno Frugier tutmaq Maks Esken at Tomorrow Is Another Day, üslubunda Jason Rider.

Ph: Arno Frugier

Üslub: Jason Rider

Model: Maks Esken sabah başqa bir gündür

Saç: Owen Gould Wall Group-da

Stilistin köməkçisi: Kelly Harris

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