MAN of METROPOLIS aurkezten du: The Ivy Leaguers


Udazkeneko seihilekoa saioan da eta presteri hauek denboraldiko itxurarik onenaren campusa hartzen dute iraileko alean. METROPOLISEKO GIZONA Ben Jordan eta Tommy Hackett aktoreek antzeztu zuten Drew, Prasad, Dina, Maria, Marcus, William, Mira, Ben eta Louren Columbia Unibertsitatean-

The Ivy Leaguers Bruce Weberri egindako azaleko istorio eta omenaldi oso berezia da. Filmaketa hau Dead Poet's Society eta School Ties bezalako film zaharretako umore-planteamenduarekin hasi zen, gero Interneten arakatu genuen A&F Quarterlyko argazki zaharren bila.

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis1

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis2

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis3

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis4

Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis5

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis6

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis7

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis8

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis9

Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis10

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis11

Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis12

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis13

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis14

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis15

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis16

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis17

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis18

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis19

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis20

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis21

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis22

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis23

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis24

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis25

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis26

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis27

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis28

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis29

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis30

Michael Del Buono eta Seth Travisen argazkia eta Alison Hernonen moda.

Inprimatua edo Kopia Digitala ikustera gonbidatzea gustatuko litzaidake.

Irakurri gehiago:



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