Pringle fan Skotlân Fall / Winter 2019 Parys


De moadepresintaasje fan Pringle fan Skotlân toant hjerst/winter 2019 yn Parys.

Fran Stringer rjochte him op strjitte-lúkse stikken mei in sportive râne en in sfear fan 'e jierren tachtich yn kleuren en patroanen.

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle of Scotland manlju hjerst 2019

Pringle fan Skotlân Spring / Simmer 2019 Parys

Samling Pringle fan Skotlân: @pringlescotland.

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