
'BROKEN SUITS AND GHOST TIES' Ph: Jenny Gage & Tom Betterton

'BROKEN SUITS AND GHOST TIES' Ph: Jenny Gage & Tom Betterton

'BROKEN SUITS AND GHOST TIES' Ph: Jenny Gage & Tom Betterton

'BROKEN SUITS AND GHOST TIES' Ph: Jenny Gage & Tom Betterton

'BROKEN SUITS AND GHOST TIES' Ph: Jenny Gage & Tom Betterton

'BROKEN SUITS AND GHOST TIES' Ph: Jenny Gage & Tom Betterton

'BROKEN SUITS AND GHOST TIES' Ph: Jenny Gage & Tom Betterton

'BROKEN SUITS AND GHOST TIES' Ph: Jenny Gage & Tom Betterton

'BROKEN SUITS AND GHOST TIES' Ph: Jenny Gage & Tom Betterton

'BROKEN SUITS AND GHOST TIES' Ph: Jenny Gage & Tom Betterton

Juster sochten ik en myn freon in moai pak foar him, hy keas foar in swart pak twaknoopsjas mei swarte broek, ik tink echt dat it dreger wie om in moai pak te kiezen, mar is dat net. Dat, ik sjoch dat tydskrift US Esquire oktober útbrocht in moaie moade pak redaksje. Fotografearre troch Jenny Gage en Tom Betterton , It ferhaal wurdt neamd "Broken Suits and Ghost Ties" wat wy prate oer as wy prate oer dressing up dizze hjerst. Se neame ferskate outfits foar dress up hiel moai.

Grooming troch Enrico Martiotti foar See Management. Lokale produksje troch Karlie Morash. Fotografearre by Two Hulls House, Mackay-Lyons Seet- Apple Architects Limited, tank oan it Nova Scotia Tourism Agency.


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