MAN of METROPOLIS presenta: The Ivy Leaguers


O semestre de outono está en sesión e estes presters toman o campus dos mellores looks da tempada para o número de setembro de HOME da METRÓPOLE protagonizada por Ben Jordan e Tommy Hackett con Drew, Prasad, Dina, Maria, Marcus, William, Mira, Ben e Louren na Universidade de Columbia.

The Ivy Leaguers é unha portada moi especial e unha homenaxe a Bruce Weber. Esta rodaxe comezou co estado de ánimo de películas antigas como Dead Poet's Society e School Ties, e despois buscamos en Internet fotos antigas de A&F Quarterly.

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis1

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis2

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis3

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis4

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis5

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis6

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis7

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis8

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis9

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis10

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis11

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis12

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis13

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis14

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis15

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis16

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis17

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis18

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis19

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis20

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis21

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis22

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis23

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis24

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis25

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis26

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis27

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis28

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis29

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis30

Fotografía de Michael Del Buono e Seth Travis e moda de Alison Hernon.

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