Modus Vivendi - Kev Sib Tw Tshiab - Kab Perforated


MV-Perforated Line-Conseptual Pictures With Logo (1)

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MV-Perforated Line-Conseptual Pictures With Logo (4)

MV-Perforated Line-Conseptual Pictures With Logo (5)

Modus Vivendi nthuav tawm tshiab Perforated Line Txiv neej cov ris tsho hauv qab, swimwear thiab ncaws pob loungewear hom Modus Vivendi tab tom pib nthuav tawm nws lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav caij nplooj ntoos hlav 2016 sau nrog cov kab tshiab Perforated. Cov kab muaj cov ris tsho hauv qab thiab lub tank saum hauv plaub xim txawv, tsim los ua ke ob qho kev zam tseem ceeb rau lub caij no: xim thaiv thiab hmoov pastel. Cov ris tsho hauv qab ntawm Perforated kab tuaj hauv peb qhov tshwj xeeb txiav: mini luv luv, luv luv thiab boxers. Lawv tag nrho feature sab thiab nraub qaum panels ua los ntawm cov paj rwb raws, zoo zoo sporty mesh kom cia ya raws wicking thiab contrasting, khoom, paj rwb raws li, hnab. Cov qauv kev ua si no zoo meej tsis yog rau lub gym xwb tab sis rau lwm yam kev ua si thiab txhua lub sijhawm. Cov colourways yog trendy thiab niaj hnub combining powdery pastels nrog bold classics. Lub tank sab saum toj ntawm kab no yog ntau yam, slim haum tsim nrog stylish, sib piv lub caj dab thiab caj npab trims uas koj tuaj yeem hnav ntawm lub gym, raws li txoj kev hnav nrog koj nyiam ris ntauv txhav lossis kom phim cov ris tsho hauv qab ntawm kab no. Rau thawj feem ntawm nws qhov kev sib tw caij nplooj ntoos hlav caij nplooj ntoos hlav 2016, Modus Vivendi tau xaiv tus kws yees duab Greek txawj ntse George Kostopoulos thiab lub ntsej muag tshiab, qauv Alexios Charistos. Qhov kev sib tw no yog hu ua P4 uas sawv cev rau plaub qhov kev sib xyaw xim tshiab ntawm cov kab no thiab nws cov qauv tsim: Ua si, Perforated thiab Powdery Pastels. Cov qhab nia: Cov ris tsho hauv qab thiab lub tank saum: Modus Vivendi Tus kws yees duab: George Kostopoulos Qauv: Alexios Charistos

MV-Perforated Line-Conseptual Pictures With Logo (7)

MV-Perforated Line-Conseptual Pictures With Logo (8)

MV-Perforated Line-Conseptual Pictures With Logo (9)

MV-Perforated Line-Conseptual Pictures With Logo (10)

Modus Vivendi nthuav tawm kab tshiab Perforated

Txiv neej lub ris tsho hauv qab, swimwear thiab kis las loungewear hom Modus Vivendi tab tom pib nthuav tawm nws lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav caij nplooj ntoos hlav 2016 sau nrog cov kab tshiab Perforated. Cov kab muaj cov ris tsho hauv qab thiab lub tank saum hauv plaub xim txawv, tsim los ua ke ob qho kev zam tseem ceeb rau lub caij no: xim thaiv thiab hmoov pastel.

Cov ris tsho hauv qab ntawm Perforated kab tuaj hauv peb qhov tshwj xeeb txiav: mini luv luv, luv luv thiab boxers. Lawv tag nrho feature sab thiab nraub qaum panels ua los ntawm cov paj rwb raws, zoo zoo sporty mesh kom cia ya raws wicking thiab contrasting, khoom, paj rwb raws li, hnab. Cov qauv kev ua si no zoo meej tsis yog rau lub gym xwb tab sis rau lwm yam kev ua si thiab txhua lub sijhawm. Cov colourways yog trendy thiab niaj hnub combining powdery pastels nrog bold classics. Lub tank saum ntawm kab no yog ntau yam, slim haum tsim nrog stylish, sib piv lub caj dab thiab caj npab trims uas koj tuaj yeem hnav ntawm lub gym, raws li txoj kev hnav nrog koj nyiam ris ntauv txhav los yog kom phim lub ris tsho hauv qab ntawm kab no.

Rau thawj feem ntawm nws qhov kev sib tw caij nplooj ntoos hlav caij nplooj ntoos hlav 2016, Modus Vivendi tau xaiv tus kws yees duab Greek txawj ntse George Kostopoulos thiab lub ntsej muag tshiab, qauv Alexios Charistos. Qhov kev sib tw no yog hu ua P4 uas sawv cev rau plaub qhov kev sib xyaw xim tshiab ntawm cov kab no thiab nws cov qauv tsim: Ua si, Perforated thiab Powdery Pastels.

Cov qhab nia:

Cov ris tsho hauv qab thiab lub tank saum: Modus Vivendi

Tus kws yees duab: George Kostopoulos

Qauv: Alexios Charistos

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