Exclusive Interview with Actor & Fashion Model Luca Ribezzo


Peb muaj hmoov zoo tham nrog cov neeg ua yeeb yam zam thiab zam qauv Luca Ribezzo, kuj nthuav tawm nws cov duab tshiab tsis ntev los no tshwj xeeb rau fashionablymale.net

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Qhia rau peb, Luca, qhov koj tau pom los ntawm lub ntiaj teb zam.

Ib tug kws yees duab zoo heev hu ua Marco Marezza ntseeg kuv thiab tom qab nws coj kuv cov duab zoo kawg nkaus, nws xa lawv mus rau lub chaw haujlwm loj tshaj plaws thaum lub sijhawm hauv Milan thiab lawv tau kos npe rau kuv thiab xa kuv mus rau Paris rau kev ua yeeb yam thiab qhov no yog txhua yam pib. .

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Qhia peb koj qhov kev hloov pauv hauv kev ua yeeb yam.

Kev ua yeeb yam yeej ib txwm yog qhov kuv nyiam. Kuv txiav txim siab mus kawm nrog tus kws qhia ua yeeb yam hauv Hollywood zoo heev kom npaj tau dhia hauv kev lag luam.

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Koj paub rau cov neeg feem coob hauv Asmeskas thiab Canada los ntawm koj qhov tshwm sim ntawm Netflix hauv 2018's "Swimming with Men" los ntawm Oliver Parker. Thov qhia peb seb nws ua haujlwm li cas ntawm qhov project.

Nws yog ib qho kev paub zoo heev rau kuv los ua haujlwm ntawm qhov project thiab nws zoo kawg nkaus ua haujlwm nrog tus thawj coj zoo thiab nrog cov neeg Askiv paub zoo.

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Lwm qhov kev nyiam ntawm Luca yog kev yees duab. Kev mob siab rau uas tau tsa lub sijhawm, koj tuaj yeem pom nws txoj haujlwm los ntawm qhov nws piav qhia txog kev ua yeeb yam, kev mob siab rau thiab lub yeeb koob hauv txhua daim duab.

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Dab tsi yog koj cov haujlwm tom ntej hauv kev zam, tom qab kev cais tawm?

Kuv tseem tsis tau muaj qhov project vim qhov kev cais tawm rhuav tshem kev lag luam tag nrho yog li tsis muaj qhov project booked tseem ?

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Koj tau nyob hauv ntau qhov kev zam thiab kev tshaj tawm, kev lag luam thiab cov ntawv tshaj tawm. Qhia peb txog ib yam zoo thiab ib yam tsis zoo ntawm kev ua haujlwm ua tus qauv zam?

Qhov zoo tshaj plaws yog tias ua qauv tso cai rau kuv mus ncig lub ntiaj teb thiab qhov tsis zoo yog tias qee zaum koj mus ncig ib leeg thiab nws tsis yog hnub so.

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Koj nyob qhov twg ntawm kev cais tawm, thiab koj xav li cas txog qhov kev cais tawm? Nws tau cuam tshuam koj li cas?

Kuv muaj hmoo tau siv sijhawm cais tawm nrog kuv tsev neeg hauv Milan. Nws cuam tshuam rau txoj kev koj saib lub neej ntawm kev ua neej nyob rau lub sijhawm vim tias txhua yam tuaj yeem tshwm sim ... yog li xyuas kom koj siv sijhawm nrog cov neeg koj hlub.

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Koj puas muaj kev ua haujlwm txhua hnub? Koj ua li cas kom zoo thaum lub sijhawm cais tawm?

Kuv niaj hnub niaj hnub sim cov txuj ci yees duab tshiab vim kuv kuj tseem ua yees duab tam sim no. Tom qab ntawd, ua kev tawm dag zog thiab noj zaub mov zoo li qub ?

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Puas muaj lus qhia rau cov tub ntxhais hluas ua qauv lossis cov neeg ua yeeb yam?

Kuv tuaj yeem qhia rau koj ib yam nkaus: tsis txhob cia leej twg tso tseg koj txoj kev npau suav thiab txhua zaus ib tus neeg hais NO tsuas yog khaws cia thiab hloov pauv hauv koj lub taub hau kom "mus ntxiv" thiab tsis txhob tig rov qab.

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Tag nrho koj cov kiv cua tseem tos kom pom koj dua hauv TV series lossis yeeb yaj kiab. Koj puas muaj tej yaam num yuav los sai sai no?

Kuv tau tua ib zaj yeeb yaj kiab Hollywood uas nyuam qhuav tawm los ua yeeb yam Matt Dillon, Nick Nolte, Eric Roberts thiab lwm tus neeg ua yeeb yam ?

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Cov yeeb yaj kiab Luca Ribezzo ua yeeb yam nrog Matt Dillon, Nick Nolte thiab Eric Roberts yog lub npe hu ua Head Full of Honey coj los ntawm Til Schweiger. Luca ua si Tus Tub Ceev Xwm.

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Puas muaj lus kaw rau koj cov kiv cua, Luca?

Rau txhua tus neeg uas ua raws kuv, Kuv xav hais ua tsaug ntau, thiab kuv yog ib tus ntawm koj tsis muaj dab tsi ntxiv ?

Kev tua los ntawm nws tus kheej hauv kev sib cais, Luca tsim cov huab cua ethereal no, dub thiab dawb tsim ua yeeb yam, xim sov qhia txog kev mob siab rau thiab sensuality uas emanates ntawm nws ob lub qhov muag thiab lub cev.

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Cov duab zoo nkauj ntawm Lucas Ribezzo qhia txog nws tus ntsuj plig, nws lub qhov muag pom tseeb tob pom, kev zoo siab, kev tu siab, kev mob siab rau uas nws tau nyob thoob plaws hauv nws lub neej.

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Luca Ribezzo Photography rau Fashionably Txiv neej Exclusive Interview

Yees duab los ntawm Luca Ribezzo @lucaribezzophotography

Actor & Model account: @lucaribezzo

IT tus neeg sawv cev @studio__cafiero

UK tus neeg sawv cev @samuelandshawagency

USA manager FRAMEWORK Ent.

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