Sensasi Fitness Anyar - Ketemu Danny Jones


Dheweke iku Danny Jones, atlit fitness profesional saka California. Dheweke ngadeg ing 6'7 massive (2.01 Mts), lan wong - kalebu kita - ora bisa njaluk cukup saka wong. Jujur, isih awal banget kanggo ngelak nanging kita ora peduli.

Loro foto cukup kanggo kabeh internet kanggo wonder sapa jinis sensual iki ukuran kuwi. Iku adoh ngluwihi dhuwur kulkas lan ing gambar sampeyan bisa ndeleng manawa munggah ing undhak-undhakan kanggo wong bisa dadi masalah.

Ora ana sing bisa nglirwakake ukurane sing gedhe banget, nanging ana prekara liya sing uga ora digatekake: awak atletis lan patung, sing diiringi rai sing ora ala.

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"Saka umur enom aku melu olahraga lan aku seneng kabeh babagan olahraga. Aku tansaya munggah ing kutha cilik ing Southern California ngendi ana ora akeh do a, supaya olahraga "ora-brainer". Akèh-akèhé kasuksesanku teka saka basket, ing ngendi aku ngadeg ing sekolah menengah lan nampa beasiswa lengkap menyang Universitas Biola ing Orange County, California. ” Danny Jones

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Are you getting out of your comfort zone? . Are you pushing yourself to a point that feels unpleasant? . Are you repeatedly putting yourself in situations that challenge you and force you to overcome them? . Well, you should be. . I've realized that bodybuilding is a lot like life. If you want to grow, you are required to experience discomfort. The more discomfort, the more you grow. Resistance=Growth. . The moment we get comfortable and stop providing that resistance, we stop growing. . Imagine how amazing and well-rounded of a person you could become if you got out of your comfort zone once a day and did something that used to be "off limits" to you. . Inside and outside of the gym, I challenge you to do things that are difficult and to create a personal environment where nothing is off limits. . If you've made it this far in the caption, comment what you're going to do this week that is out of your comfort zone. Maybe commenting something personal on my post is something you wouldn't normally do… great, you've already got a head start! . Let's get better together! .

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Nalika isih enom, Danny wiwit mangan kanthi ora cocog lan wiwit mundhak bobote meh tekan 300 lbs. Aku wiwit bisa metu agama lan darmabakti ing paling 2 jam dina kanggo olahraga lan latian. Aku weruh awak saya ganti lan ilang udakara 20lbs sajrone sawetara wulan. Senadyan kabeh iki, aku isih ora seneng karo kemajuan sing wis ditindakake lan ora puas karo penampilanku.

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From time to time, I like to share my progress over the years with my new followers. So here ya go. It's crazy looking back on old photos and seeing how far I've come. – Believe it or not, the photo on the left I was working out 6x per week, multiple hours a day. Photo on the right (recent) I'm working out 4-5x a week, a little over an hour each day. . During the time of the left hand photo, I could NOT figure out why I wasnt making the progress I thought I should be for the amount of work I was putting in. I felt my body should be leaps and bounds ahead of where it was. I had a gut and man boobs. Somehow even my hair was out of shape ? . What's the difference between now and then? Slight changes in my training and HUGE changes in my diet. Literally, that's it. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I realized how important a role your diet plays in your progress. 9 out of 10 of the people that come to me for help in getting through a plateau or even getting started in a healthier lifestyle are being hindered by their diet. So, are you where you feel you should be physically? If not, it's probably-you guessed it-your diet. . Not happy with your progress? Hit me up ? – ? [email protected] ? –

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Ketoke dheweke seneng nyiyapake sawise latihan protein shake tanpa celana.

"Aku dadi EMT lan wiwit ngerti carane awak bisa digunakake lan fungsine. Aku kasengsem ing apa aku sinau lan luwe kanggo sinau liyane. Aku banjur sinau nutrisi lan carane macem-macem panganan mengaruhi awak manungsa kanthi cara sing beda-beda. Sajrone 2 taun sinau, aku wis mboko sithik ngetrapake teknik lan kawruh sing aku entuk nalika sinau ing uripku lan, sadurunge aku ngerti, aku wis ngowahi awakku!”

Danny mikir lan percaya manawa sapa wae bisa nindakake owah-owahan sing padha lan dadi versi sing paling apik kanggo awake dhewe. "Kabeh sing dibutuhake yaiku pamikiran lan kepinginan kanggo nggawe owah-owahan lan rencana kanggo nindakake pangowahan kasebut. Ora preduli apa tujuan utawa impen sampeyan, aku yakin 100% bisa mbantu sampeyan nggawe rencana kanggo nggayuh! Muga-muga sampeyan njupuk langkah sabanjure lan milih aku dadi pelatih sampeyan. Bebarengan kita bisa nggawe sampeyan sehat, fit, lan-paling penting-versi paling apik sampeyan bisa dadi!

Priksa galeri kene:

Sensasi Fitness Anyar - Ketemu Danny Jones 48972_1

Sensasi Fitness Anyar - Ketemu Danny Jones 48972_2

Sensasi Fitness Anyar - Ketemu Danny Jones 48972_3

Sensasi Fitness Anyar - Ketemu Danny Jones 48972_4

Priksa video iki kepiye Danny mbuktekake kekuwatane ing rutinitas latihan sing kuat iki.


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