Pringle saka Skotlandia Musim Semi/Musim Panas 2019 Paris


Sutradara kreatif Fran Stringer fokus ing potongan-potongan mewah jalanan kanthi pinggiran sporti lan warna lan pola saka Eighties.

Iki minangka lookbook Pringle of Scotland Spring Summer 2019 Paris.

Stringer tansah ngrancang kanthi sentuhan sing entheng lan musim iki ora ana sing istiméwa.

Dheweke nggawe pola argyle Pringle dadi potongan-potongan kalebu sweter biru lan kuning bayi, lan celana olahraga sing padhet utawa jas hujan katun lilin, loro-lorone kanthi bentuk berlian sing ana ing sisih pinggir.

Inten kasebut uga katon ing pola grafis berbentuk V ing ngarep sweter liyane.

Stringer uga ngetutake tren logo, nyelehake singa Pringle ing rajutan biru nubby kanthi benang sing katon kaya diikat, nalika sweatshirt biru duwe huruf putih naif lan pola jahitan sing diilhami dening branding saka arsip Pringle .

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Musim Semi Pria Pringle of Scotland 2019

Ing sisih liya saka spektrum ana potongan-potongan mewah, kalebu hoodie kasmir angkatan laut gedhe kanthi berlian putih kanthi jeneng merek ing tengah.

Ana uga hoodie abu-abu sing cocog kanggo urip ing 24/7, lan pilihan katun krim kanthi huruf Pringle nada-nada.

Sandhangan njaba kalebu jaket rajutan sing bisa dibalik kanthi pola berlian 3-D sing diulang ing sisih mburi.

Jaket tenunan oranye duwe lengen sing bisa dicopot lan dadi gilet kanggo wengi sing luwih anget.

Koleksi Pringle of Scotland: @pringlescotland.

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