Kovara Golf Punk hejmara Cotmeh/November pêşkêş dike:


Wêne: Ivanho Harlim & Shysilia Novita (www.ivanhoharlim.com) Grooming: Angel Gwee (https://www.facebook.com/angelgwee) Model: Trevor Cross (www.avemanagement.com) Şêwe: Ben Chin (www.instagram .com/benisshallow) Cih: The Fullerton Bay Hotel (www.fullertonbayhotel.com)

Wêne: Ivanho Harlim & Shysilia Novita (www.ivanhoharlim.com) Grooming: Angel Gwee (https://www.facebook.com/angelgwee) Model: Trevor Cross (www.avemanagement.com) Şêwe: Ben Chin (www.instagram .com/benisshallow) Cih: The Fullerton Bay Hotel (www.fullertonbayhotel.com)

Wêne: Ivanho Harlim & Shysilia Novita (www.ivanhoharlim.com) Grooming: Angel Gwee (https://www.facebook.com/angelgwee) Model: Trevor Cross (www.avemanagement.com) Şêwe: Ben Chin (www.instagram .com/benisshallow) Cih: The Fullerton Bay Hotel (www.fullertonbayhotel.com)

Wêne: Ivanho Harlim & Shysilia Novita (www.ivanhoharlim.com) Grooming: Angel Gwee (https://www.facebook.com/angelgwee) Model: Trevor Cross (www.avemanagement.com) Şêwe: Ben Chin (www.instagram .com/benisshallow) Cih: The Fullerton Bay Hotel (www.fullertonbayhotel.com)

Wêne: Ivanho Harlim & Shysilia Novita (www.ivanhoharlim.com) Grooming: Angel Gwee (https://www.facebook.com/angelgwee) Model: Trevor Cross (www.avemanagement.com) Şêwe: Ben Chin (www.instagram .com/benisshallow) Cih: The Fullerton Bay Hotel (www.fullertonbayhotel.com)

Wêne: Ivanho Harlim & Shysilia Novita (www.ivanhoharlim.com) Grooming: Angel Gwee (https://www.facebook.com/angelgwee) Model: Trevor Cross (www.avemanagement.com) Şêwe: Ben Chin (www.instagram .com/benisshallow) Cih: The Fullerton Bay Hotel (www.fullertonbayhotel.com)

Golfy bistînin edîtoriya nû ya modayê ye ku li vir heye Golf Punk Cotmeh/November Pirsgirêka Moda bi modela mêr Trevor Cross ji hêla Ben Chin ve hatî şêwaz kirin û ji hêla wênekêş ve hatî kişandin Ivanho Harlim û Shysilia Novita, gule li The Fullerton Bay Hotel.

Wêne: Ivanho Harlim & Shysilia Novita (www.ivanhoharlim.com)

Paqijkirin: Angel Gwee (https://www.facebook.com/angelgwee)

Model: Trevor Cross (www.avemanagement.com)

Şêwe: Ben Chin (www.instagram.com/benisshallow)

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