Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017


Jeffrey Fashion Cares dia iray amin'ireo hetsika fiantrana ny fomba fiaina lamaody any New York City. Niorina tamin'ny 2002 avy amin'i Jeffrey Kalinsky, mpisava lalana momba ny lamaody sy ny varotra, ary nanangona mihoatra ny 5 tapitrisa dolara ho an'ireo fikambanana mpanao asa soa hajaina manohana ny zon'ny sivily LGBT, ny fisorohana sy ny fikarohana VIH, ary ny fanabeazana ho an'ny tanora LGBT.

Jeffrey Fashion Cares 201714

Ny Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum (NYC), dia nampiantrano ny alatsinainy alina tamin'ny Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017, ny hetsika dia ao anatin'ny faha-14 taonany izao, miaraka amin'ireo olo-malaza - sy vehivavy - miakatra ny sambo mpiady amin'ny Ady Lehibe II ho an'ny New isan-taona. York fanangonam-bola.

Jeffrey Fashion Cares 201712

Ny iray amin'ireo zavatra nafana indrindra nandritra ny lavanty mivantana dia ny fahafahana nandany ny andro tao amin'ny toerana nandritra ny fakana sary niaraka tamin'ny lehilahy modely Diego Miguel. Vao mainka nitombo ny tolo-bidy rehefa nesorin'ilay lehilahy ny akanjony noho ny famporisihan'ny vahoaka.

Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, Etazonia - 03 Apr 2017

"Ny tiako tenenina dia hoe mifoka rivotra aho, manantena fa handeha tsara ny zava-drehetra, ary rehefa tapitra izany dia fantatro fa afaka miala sasatra sy mankafy ny tenako aho," hoy izy nanampy haingana, sao heverinao fa nahavita ny zava-nisehony manokana izy.

"Misy ampahany lehibe amiko izay reraka ary indraindray mieritreritra ny fiainana tsy misy an'ity, mahatsapa aho fa tsy afaka manao izany," hoy izy nieritreritra. “Zava-dehibe loatra izany. Zava-dehibe loatra ny vola. Hanohy ihany aho.” Araka ny voalazan'i Jeffrey Kalinsky.

Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, Etazonia - 03 Apr 2017

Mazava fa manantena izany ny vahoaka tafavory miverina isan-taona. Ny mpilalao sarimihetsika Giles Marini, ny tonian-dahatsoratry ny Vogue Anna Wintour, ny mpamorona Brandon Maxwell sy Joseph Altuzarra, ary ny mpivady modely Samantha Gradoville sy Sean O'Pry dia vitsivitsy tamin'ireo vahiny izay niditra tao amin'ny mpitatitra fiaramanidina misotro ronono izay mandrafitra ny The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space. Tranombakoka ho an'ny hetsika ny alatsinainy lasa teo.

Na izany aza, toa tsy noraharahain'ireo vahiny ny toeram-pambolena indostrian'ny sambo raha nisotro cocktails tequila izy ireo, nisakafo tamin'ny quesadillas ary nibanjina ireo fanatitra mangina natao teo akaikin'ny vakoka tamin'ny ady nandritra ny Forties.

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid . Tombontsoa: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 04 Apr 2017 Credit : Jeff Grossman/

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid . Tombontsoa: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 04 Apr 2017 Credit : Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Jeffrey Fashion Cares 20178

Jeffrey Fashion Cares 20176

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Jeffrey Fashion Cares 20177

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Jeffrey Fashion Cares 201710

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Mandatory Credit: Sary avy amin'i Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575w) Modely amin'ny lanonana Jeffrey Fashion Cares show, Runway, New York, Etazonia - 03 Apr 2017

Mandatory Credit: Sary avy amin'i Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575w) Modely amin'ny seho Jeffrey Fashion Cares, Runway, New York, Etazonia – 03 Apr 2017

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid . Tombontsoa: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 04 Apr 2017 Credit : Jeff Grossman/

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid . Tombontsoa: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 04 Apr 2017 Credit : Jeff Grossman/

Mandatory Credit: Sary avy amin'i Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575az) Modely amin'ny lanonana Jeffrey Fashion Cares show, Runway, New York, Etazonia - 03 Apr 2017

Mandatory Credit: Sary avy amin'i Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575az) Modely amin'ny fampisehoana catwalk Jeffrey Fashion Cares, Runway, New York, Etazonia – 03 Apr 2017

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid . Tombontsoa: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 04 Apr 2017 Credit : Jeff Grossman/

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid . Tombontsoa: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 04 Apr 2017 Credit : Jeff Grossman/

Mandatory Credit: Sary avy amin'i Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575ae) Modely amin'ny seho Jeffrey Fashion Cares, Runway, New York, Etazonia - 03 Apr 2017

Mandatory Credit: Sary avy amin'i Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575ae) Modely amin'ny lanonana Jeffrey Fashion Cares show, Runway, New York, Etazonia – 03 Apr 2017

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Fanangonam-bola isan-taona Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017 ahitana: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Aiza: New York, Etazonia Rahoviana: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

“Indraindray ianao mieritreritra, eny, ohatrinona no azon’ny hetsika tahaka izao”, hoy i Susanne Bartsch, mpampiantrano vahiny malaza amin’ny alina, ny volomasony sandoka lava mifanitsy amin’ny solomaso mifanakaiky amin’ny fisotroana divay mena. "Fa amin'ny farany dia ny fampahafantarana ny olona ihany koa fa miray amin'ny zavatra iray isika. Tsy ny fitadiavam-bola fotsiny no atao."

Credit tsy maintsy atao: Sary avy amin'i Hunter Abrams/BFA/REX/Shutterstock (8563009fk) Sean O'Pry Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, Etazonia - 03 Apr 2017

Credit tsy maintsy atao: Sary avy amin'i Hunter Abrams/BFA/REX/Shutterstock (8563009fk) Sean O'Pry Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, Etazonia – 03 Apr 2017

Credit tsy maintsy atao: Sary avy amin'i Hunter Abrams/BFA/REX/Shutterstock (8563009bp) Eric Rutherford Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, Etazonia - 03 Apr 2017

Credit tsy maintsy atao: Sary avy amin'i Hunter Abrams/BFA/REX/Shutterstock (8563009bp) Eric Rutherford Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, Etazonia – 03 Apr 2017

"Mandeha amin'ny fiaraha-misakafo [fiantrana] maro any New York aho ary tsy tiako izany," hoy i Kalinsky. “Tsy tiako ny mandre olona miresaka ary tsy tiako ny mipetraka misakafo. Aleoko tonga any amin'ny zavatra toy izao izay ahafahako mitsidika ary avy eo mahita ireo lehilahy tsara tarehy mandeha amin'ny lalamby dia vita ianao. Heveriko fa raikipohy tsara izany. ”

Hamaky bebe kokoa