Ny fahatsapana ara-batana vaovao - Hihaona amin'i Danny Jones


Izy dia Danny Jones, mpanao fanatanjahan-tena matihanina avy any California. Mijoro eo amin'ny 6'7 (2.01 Mts) lehibe izy, ary ny olona - anisan'izany isika - dia tsy afa-po aminy. Raha ny marina, aloha loatra ny mangetaheta toy izao fa tsy miraharaha fotsiny izahay.

Ampy ho an'ny Internet rehetra ny sary roa mba hanontany tena hoe iza io karazana mahafatifaty toy izany. Nihoatra lavitra ny haavon'ny vata fampangatsiahana izany ary amin'ny sary dia hitanao fa mety ho olana ny fiakarana tohatra ho azy.

Tsy nisy afaka niraharaha ny habeny lehibe, fa misy zavatra hafa tsy voamarika ihany koa: ny vatany ara-panatanjahantena sy sary sokitra, zavatra miaraka amin'ny endrika tsy dia ratsy mihitsy.

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“Hatramin'ny fahazazako dia nandray anjara tamin'ny atletisma aho ary tiako ny zava-drehetra momba ny fanatanjahantena. Nihalehibe tao amin'ny tanàna kely iray any atsimon'i Kalifornia aho izay tsy dia misy zavatra azo atao, ka ny fanatanjahan-tena dia "tsy misy atidoha". Ny ankamaroan'ny fahombiazako dia avy amin'ny basikety, izay nisongadinako tany amin'ny lise ary nahazo vatsim-pianarana ho an'ny fiara feno tao amin'ny Oniversiten'i Biola any Orange County, Kalifornia. ” Danny Jones

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Are you getting out of your comfort zone? . Are you pushing yourself to a point that feels unpleasant? . Are you repeatedly putting yourself in situations that challenge you and force you to overcome them? . Well, you should be. . I've realized that bodybuilding is a lot like life. If you want to grow, you are required to experience discomfort. The more discomfort, the more you grow. Resistance=Growth. . The moment we get comfortable and stop providing that resistance, we stop growing. . Imagine how amazing and well-rounded of a person you could become if you got out of your comfort zone once a day and did something that used to be "off limits" to you. . Inside and outside of the gym, I challenge you to do things that are difficult and to create a personal environment where nothing is off limits. . If you've made it this far in the caption, comment what you're going to do this week that is out of your comfort zone. Maybe commenting something personal on my post is something you wouldn't normally do… great, you've already got a head start! . Let's get better together! .

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Tamin'ny fahatanorany dia nanomboka nihinana tsy araka ny tokony ho izy i Danny ary nanomboka nitombo ny lanjany dia saika nahatratra 300 lbs izy. Nanomboka niasa ara-pivavahana aho ary nanokana adiny 2 farafahakeliny isan'andro mba hanao fanatanjahan-tena sy fanazaran-tena. Hitako niova ny vatako ary very 20lbs teo ho eo tao anatin'ny roa volana. Na dia teo aza izany rehetra izany, dia mbola tsy faly tamin’ny fandrosoana vitako aho ary tsy afa-po tamin’ny fijeriko.”

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From time to time, I like to share my progress over the years with my new followers. So here ya go. It's crazy looking back on old photos and seeing how far I've come. – Believe it or not, the photo on the left I was working out 6x per week, multiple hours a day. Photo on the right (recent) I'm working out 4-5x a week, a little over an hour each day. . During the time of the left hand photo, I could NOT figure out why I wasnt making the progress I thought I should be for the amount of work I was putting in. I felt my body should be leaps and bounds ahead of where it was. I had a gut and man boobs. Somehow even my hair was out of shape ? . What's the difference between now and then? Slight changes in my training and HUGE changes in my diet. Literally, that's it. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I realized how important a role your diet plays in your progress. 9 out of 10 of the people that come to me for help in getting through a plateau or even getting started in a healthier lifestyle are being hindered by their diet. So, are you where you feel you should be physically? If not, it's probably-you guessed it-your diet. . Not happy with your progress? Hit me up ? – ? [email protected] ? www.dannyjonesfitness.com –

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Toa tiany ny manomana ny proteinina tsy misy pataloha aorian'ny fanazaran-tena.

“Lasa EMT aho ary nanomboka nahazo ny fomba fiasan'ny vatana sy ny fiasan'ny vatana. Liana tamin’izay nianarako aho ary noana hianatra bebe kokoa. Nanohy nianatra momba ny sakafo sy ny fiantraikan'ny sakafo samihafa amin'ny vatan'olombelona amin'ny fomba samihafa aho. Nandritra ny 2 taona nianarako dia nampihatra tsikelikely ireo teknika sy fahalalana azoko tamin’ny fianarako teo amin’ny fiainako manokana aho ary talohan’ny nahafantarako izany dia nanova ny vatako aho!”

Mieritreritra sy mino i Danny fa na iza na iza dia afaka manao ny fiovana mitovy amin'ny nataony ary ho lasa kinova tsara indrindra ho an'ny tenantsika. “Ny hany ilaina dia ny eritreritra voalohany sy ny faniriana hanao ny fanovana ary ny drafitra hanatanterahana izany fiovana izany. Na inona na inona tanjonao na nofinofinao dia matoky 100% aho fa afaka manampy anao hanao drafitra hanatratrarana azy ireo! Manantena aho fa handray ny dingana manaraka ianao ary hifidy ahy ho mpanazatra anao. Miaraka izahay dia afaka manao anao ho salama, salama ary-ny zava-dehibe indrindra-ny dikan-teny tsara indrindra ho anao!”

Jereo eto ny galerie:

Ny fahatsapana ara-batana vaovao - Hihaona amin'i Danny Jones 48972_1

Ny fahatsapana ara-batana vaovao - Hihaona amin'i Danny Jones 48972_2

Ny fahatsapana ara-batana vaovao - Hihaona amin'i Danny Jones 48972_3

Ny fahatsapana ara-batana vaovao - Hihaona amin'i Danny Jones 48972_4

Jereo ity horonan-tsary ity ny fomba nanaporofoan'i Danny ny heriny amin'ity fanazaran-tena mahery vaika ity.



Hamaky bebe kokoa