United Colors of Benetton 2015 оны намар-өвөл


United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015761

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015762

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015763

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015764

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015765

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015766

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015767

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015768

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015769

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015770

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015771

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015772

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015773

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015774

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015775

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015776

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015777

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015778

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015779

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015780

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015781

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015782

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015783

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015784

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015785

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015786

United Colors of Benetton F:W 2015787

United Colors of Benetton 2015 оны намар өвлийн саналаа танилцууллаа. ​​Удахгүй цаг агаар өөрчлөгдөх тул бид улирал бүрт тохирсон хувцастай байх ёстой. Алессио Поззи бол "Lookbook"-ийн загвар өмсөгч юм.

Бид 2015 оны намрын шинэ өвлийг эхлүүлсэн, бидний харж байгаачлан олон үндэстэн дамнасан брэндүүд хувцас, гоёлын хувцасны санал бэлтгэж, сонгох зүйл их байна.

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