NY टाइम्स टी स्टाइल पत्रिका | म्याक्स एस्केन अर्नो फ्रुगियर द्वारा


The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist's Assistant: केली ह्यारिस

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist's Assistant: केली ह्यारिस

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist's Assistant: केली ह्यारिस

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist's Assistant: केली ह्यारिस

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist's Assistant: केली ह्यारिस

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist's Assistant: केली ह्यारिस

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist's Assistant: केली ह्यारिस

NY टाइम्स टी स्टाइल पत्रिका फोटोग्राफर द्वारा फैशन निबन्ध प्रस्तुत गर्दछ अर्नो फ्रुगियर कब्जा गर्दै म्याक्स एस्केन टुमोरो इज अनदर डे, जेसन राइडर द्वारा स्टाइल गरिएको।

फोन: अर्नो फ्रुगियर

स्टाइल: जेसन राइडर

मोडेल: म्याक्स एस्केन भोलि अर्को दिन

कपाल: भित्ता समूहमा ओवेन गोल्ड

स्टाइलिस्टको सहायक: केली ह्यारिस

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