Pringle of Scotland Spring/Chilimwe 2019 Paris


Woyang'anira zakupanga Fran Stringer adayang'ana kwambiri zidutswa zapamsewu zokhala ndi m'mphepete mwamasewera komanso chiwombankhanga chazaka makumi asanu ndi atatu mumitundu ndi mawonekedwe.

Ili ndiye buku lachiwonetsero la Pringle of Scotland Spring Summer 2019 Paris.

Stringer nthawi zonse amapanga ndi kukhudza kopepuka ndipo nyengoyi inalinso chimodzimodzi.

Anagwiritsa ntchito mtundu wa Pringle argyle mzidutswa kuphatikiza majuzi amwana abuluu ndi achikasu, ndi ma tracksuit olimba kapena malaya amvula a thonje, onse okhala ndi ma siginecha a diamondi akutsika m'mbali.

Ma diamondi amenewo anawonekeranso mu chithunzi chooneka ngati V kutsogolo kwa sweti ina.

Stringer adalowanso mumayendedwe a logo, ndikuyikanso mkango wa Pringle pansalu yabuluu yamtundu wabuluu wokhala ndi ulusi womwe umawoneka ngati watayidwa utoto, pomwe malaya abuluu anali ndi zilembo zoyera komanso zosokedwa zotsogozedwa ndi zolemba kuchokera ku Pringle archive. .

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

Kumapeto ena a sipekitiramu panali zidutswa zamtengo wapatali, kuphatikizapo chovala chachikulu cha navy cashmere hoodie chokhala ndi diamondi yoyera yokhala ndi dzina la chizindikiro pakati.

Panalinso chovala chotuwa chokhalamo 24/7, komanso njira ya thonje ya kirimu yokhala ndi zilembo zamtundu wa Pringle.

Zovala zakunja zinali ndi jekete yoluka, yoluka yosinthika yokhala ndi mthunzi wa 3-D wa diamondi wobwereza kumbuyo.

Jekete yoluka lalanje inali ndi manja omasuka ndipo idasandulika kukhala galati usiku wofunda.

Pringle ya ku Scotland: @pringlescotland.

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