نيو ٽائمز ٽي اسٽائل ميگزين | ميڪس ايسڪن آرنو فرگيئر طرفان


The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist’s Assistant: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist’s Assistant: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist’s Assistant: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist’s Assistant: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist’s Assistant: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist’s Assistant: Kelly Harris

The NY Times T Style Magazine Ph: Arno Frugier Styling: Jason Rider Model: Max Esken at Tomorrow Is Other Day Hair: Owen Gould at the Wall Group Stylist’s Assistant: Kelly Harris

نيو ٽائمز ٽي اسٽائل ميگزين فوٽوگرافر طرفان فيشن مضمون پيش ڪري ٿو آرنو فرگيئر قبضو ڪرڻ ميڪس ايسڪن at Tomorrow Is another Day، جيسن رائڊر پاران انداز ڪيل.

Ph: Arno Frugier

انداز: جيسن رائڊر

ماڊل: ميڪس ايسڪن سڀاڻي تي هڪ ٻيو ڏينهن آهي

وار: اوون گولڊ تي وال گروپ

اسٽائلسٽ اسسٽنٽ: ڪيلي هيرس

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