MAN of METROPOLIS uvádza: The Ivy Leaguers


Jesenný semester je v kurze a títo moderátori prevezmú kampus toho najlepšieho vzhľadu sezóny pre septembrové vydanie MUŽ z METROPOLY Hrajú Ben Jordan a Tommy Hackett s Drew, Prasad, Dina, Maria, Marcus, William, Mira, Ben a Louren na Kolumbijskej univerzite-

The Ivy Leaguers je veľmi zvláštny krycí príbeh a pocta Bruceovi Weberovi. Toto natáčanie začalo náladou zo starých filmov ako Dead Poet’s Society a School Ties, potom sme hľadali na internete staré fotky A&F Quarterly.

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis1

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis2

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis3

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis4

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis5

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis6

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis7

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis8

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis9

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis10

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis11

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis12

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis13

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis14

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis15

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis16

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis17

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis18

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis19

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis20

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis21

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis22

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis23

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis24

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis25

The Ivy Leaguers - Man of Metropolis26

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis27

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis28

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis29

The Ivy Leaguers – Man of Metropolis30

Fotografie od Michaela Del Buono a Seth Travis a móda od Alison Hernon.

Chcel by som vás pozvať na zobrazenie tlače alebo digitálnej kópie.

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