All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa


Va'ai le tamaloa All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Exclusive for Fashionably Male Webzine

Sei o tatou vaʻavaʻai loloto i mea o loʻo mulimuli mai e le tagata pueata Matthew Mitchell ma faʻataʻitaʻiga uma-i-le tasi / tagata fai pese / stuntman / faiaoga patino ma sili atu: Nathan Hunter.

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Suit a Tom Ford & Turtleneck e Logo Piana

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Matamata e Rolex & Navy Blue Oxfords saunia e Salvatore Ferragamo

O loʻo ia faʻataʻitaʻiina i Tom Ford, Givenchy, Vetements, Lanvin ma isi, o Nathan e foliga matagofie tele. O loʻo fai ma sui o ofisa e lua, The Industry Men in Miami ma Love Stone Agency i Los Angeles.

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Sufu na saunia e Sies Marjan

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Peleti e The Row


I aso nei e tatau ona saunia se faʻataʻitaʻiga, e le gata o le i ai o se tino lelei, se tulaga lelei o le mafaufau, e manaʻomia foʻi ona aʻoaʻoina i tomai faʻapitoa, o le tele o ofisa e manaʻomia ai tomai faʻapitoa ma stuntman.

Na faatumuina e ni nai tagata, o Natano o se tasi o i latou. O Nathan o le tagata e sili ona lelei lona tomai, e le gata o loʻo ia te ia se tino malosi, ua saunia foi o ia o se tagata aʻoaʻoga patino ma faʻapolofesa stuntman.

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Jeans e Vetements & Turtleneck e Givenchy

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Sweater/Scarf saunia e Lanvin

O Matthew Mitchell na o le tuʻuina atu o ata sili ona lelei e fana i ai. Ua matou vaʻaia le afe o tamaʻitaʻi sili, faʻataʻitaʻiga ma ituaiga uma o tino, faʻataʻitaʻiga faʻapolofesa ma faʻataʻitaʻiga Instagram.

Ae e leai se tasi e mafai ona faatusalia ia Natano.

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Suti a Armani, Deep V Sweater e Versace

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

O foliga mataʻina o Nathan Hunter

Siaki lenei mea, foliga matagofie, Nathan Hunter o le tamaʻitaʻi faʻataʻitaʻiga matou te tulimatai atu e vaʻai soo.

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Ua sauni o ia e galue i soʻo se gaosiga o Hollywood, ua sauni o ia e i ai i soʻo se faʻasalalauga TV, faʻasalalauga pe avea ma foliga fou poʻo soʻo se manogi mo le tagata.

O loʻo ia tuʻuina atu foʻi foliga taʻaloga, e mafai foʻi ona avea o ia ma foliga fou mo se nofoaga faʻamalositino faʻamalositino, poʻo le isi faʻavaa mo le Soifua Maloloina o Tama.

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Tights Nike & Liberlupus Fusu totigilima

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Le Fa'alelei a Nathan Hunter

  • Laulu enaena
  • Mata lanu meamata lanumeamata
  • Tino atoatoa
  • 38.6K ile IG

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Fa'avae i Los Angeles o lo'o i ai sana tala fa'agaoioaga Insta, lea e fiafia e fa'asoa atu i ana tagata fiafia i taimi fa'apolofesa uma na pu'eina e le au pu'eata, so'o se ata i tua atu ma lona poto masani i le galue o se stuntman.

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Auai i la'u lisi imeli

I le kilikiina o le auina mai, ua e malilie e faʻasoa lau tuatusi imeli i le pule o le saite ma Mailchimp e maua ai maketi, faʻafouga, ma isi imeli mai le pule o le saite. Fa'aoga le so'oga e le fa'asoa i na imeli e filifili ai i fafo i so'o se taimi.


Manuia! O oe i le lisi.

Oi! Sa i ai se mea sese ma sa le mafai ona matou fa'agasolo lau fa'asoa. Fa'amolemole toe uta le itulau ma toe taumafai.

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Siaki nisi galuega a Matthew Mitchell:

Matou te Maua Sili Alex Ragozin i ata na saunia e Matthew Mitchell

All In One: Feiloai Nathan Hunter saunia e Matthew Mitchell - Fa'apitoa

Ata pue Matthew Mitchell @matthewmitchell

Fa'ata'ita'i Nathan Hunter @nathan_hunter_

Agency The Industry Men Miami @theindustrymiami_men & Love Stone Agency in Los Angeles @lovestoneagency

Faitau atili