INSTYLE inotora Actor Chris Pratt Man muSitaera Sept. 2016


Pataingofunga nezveActor Chris Pratt aingova t-shirt-jeans-sneakers rudzi rwemukomana, takashamiswa nemusoro wenyaya uyu, kunyangwe tichida Pratt nekuti mutambi wake wenyaya uye nekuti ari hunk, anotonhorera InStyle inotora 'Man in Style. 'Chinyorwa chaSeptember 2016.

PaPratt's IG ine hukama hunonakidza nekusagadzikana kwaive kupfura panze, kune zuva rakawanda kunze, kunyangwe asingaonekwe semunhu akasindimara, asi akanyora zviri mupfungwa dzake.

"Mumufananidzo uyu ndinoedza kuisa ruoko rwangu rweruboshwe muhomwe yangu asi bhurugwa racho rakati twi zvekuti ndinopinza munwe weminwe mitatu mukati. Zvakare ndaidikitira zvekuti vanondipa ngowani iyoyo." Chris Pratt akatora mashoko paIG

Ichi chimiro chakatanga kuoneka munaGunyana 2016 chinyorwa cheInStyle. Kuti uone mamwe mapikicha akasarudzika aChris Pratt uye uverenge hurukuro yake yakazara

Ichi chimiro chakatanga kuoneka munaGunyana 2016 chinyorwa cheInStyle. Kuti uone mamwe mapikicha akasarudzika aChris Pratt uye uverenge hurukuro yake yakazara

INSTYLE Chris Pratt (2)

“Apa ndiri kunyepedzera kukwenya mutsipa netuxedo yekuCanada. Uyezve, ndiri kungotsinzina. Uye kufunga kuti, 'Hmm, kune fodya here muno? Handisi kusvuta here? Inoita kuti mutsipa wangu uveva here?” lol Chris ane charisma isu hatigone kuramba, kupfuura oh maitiro ake, Chris ndiye anofanira kuchengeta.

ZVINHU Chris Pratt

Sisi vangu vakandidzidzisa kurukwa tichiri vadiki. Ipapo, ndairuka vhudzi raAnna usiku ... yaive tsika diki yakanaka. Asi bvudzi rake rakatanga kudambuka kumusoro kwekurukwa nekuti aive akarara pamusoro paro. Saka amai vaAnna vakafunga kuti chiFrench chirukwa chaigona kugovera kumanikidzwa. Akandidzidzisa pataive kuHawaii tichipfura Jurassic World. —Chris Pratt.

Ichi chimiro chakatanga kuoneka munaGunyana 2016 chinyorwa cheInStyle. Kuti uone mamwe mapikicha akasarudzika aChris Pratt uye uverenge hurukuro yake yakazara

Ichi chimiro chakatanga kuoneka munaGunyana 2016 chinyorwa cheInStyle. Kuti uone mamwe mapikicha akasarudzika aChris Pratt uye uverenge hurukuro yake yakazara

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Ok. So the @instylemagazine Photographer saw my earlier post and sent this photo! Proof! I did stand next to a horse. And also, I put that hat on the horses head. Boom. My idea! #classic And it didn't even freak out. I learned how to do that when I was making the #magnificent7 I basically learned a ton about dressing horses in funny clothes, hats, scarves, the like, you'll see a lot of that in the movie. Our horses are wearing funny little hats and boots and smoking pipes. Does anyone ever read this shit? Haha! That's not true. None of it. Well the part about me putting the hat on the horses head is true. I'm like the horse whisperer. Right after this I got it to stand on one foot and break a board with a blind fold on. Then I jumped it. Over a mountain. Not to brag.

A post shared by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) on

Ichi chimiro chakatanga kuoneka munaGunyana 2016 chinyorwa cheInStyle. Kuti uone mamwe mapikicha akasarudzika aChris Pratt uye uverenge kubvunzurudzwa kwake kuzere, tora magazini, ikozvino yave kuwanikwa panhau dzenhau uye yekudhawunirodha digital.

@instylemagazine Gunyana 2016 Man of Style pane newsstands izvozvi. Mufananidzo na @thomaswhiteside; styled by @jamesvaleri; photo director @lisamartin0563 grooming by @bridgetbragerhair production by @kelseystevensproduction .

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