Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London


Band of Outsiders Chitubu/Zhizha 2020 London - Mhuka dzekatuni, maruva uye mavara akakora akabuda pamakabudura edonje nemabhachi ukuwo mitsara yekurota yakadhirowa yakazarurwa pamusoro pehembe dzedonje.

Iko kuunganidza kwaiita seremonade refu pazuva rinopisa: Inotapira, inozorodza uye inopa simba. Creative director Angelo Van Mol akati aida kuita kuti zvirambe zviri nyore mwaka uno uye akaita diki, isingachinjiki mharidzo kuTruman Brewery kumabvazuva kweLondon, London Fashion Week Men's hub.

"Ini ndaida chimwe chinhu chisina kujeka, chinonakidza uye chiri chirimo - chimwe chinhu chekuti vakomana vangogara," akadaro Van Mol, akashanda nemuimbi wekuBrooklyn Amit Greenberg pamifananidzo uye mapatani aionekwa pamusoro pemajaketi akagadzirwa, zvikabudura zvemabvi nedonje. , bhatani-mberi kumusoro.

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_1

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_2

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_3

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_4

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_5

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_6

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_7

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_8

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_9

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_10

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_11

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_12

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_13

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_14

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_15

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_16

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_17

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_18

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_19

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_20

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_21

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_22

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_23

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_24

Band of Outsiders Spring/Zhizha 2020 London 24823_25

Abstract, mhuka dzekatuni, maruva uye mavara akakora akabuda pamakabudura edonje uye akajairwa mabhachi esutu ukuwo mimwe mitsetse inorota ichizarurwa pamusoro pehembe chena dzedonje. Sutu dzakagadzirwa kubva kumabvi-kureba zvikabudura uye short-sleeve, hembe dzekora dzakavharwa neyero daffodil kudhindwa, ukuwo mhata dzakarukwa nemakadhigan ane mitsetse aipenya semaranjisi eropa.

Band of Outsiders Fall/Chando 2019 London

Van Mol akadzikamisa ese aya ma<em>citrusy anopenya nekusarerekera kwechirimo – kuchena chena – kumatirauzi edenim nemabhachi.

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