The Fighter – Latin Fashion News June 2014


The Fighter - Latin Fashion News June 20141

The Fighter - Latin Fashion News June 20142

The Fighter - Latin Fashion News June 20143

The Fighter - Latin Fashion News June 20144

The Fighter - Latin Fashion News June 20145

The Fighter - Latin Fashion News June 20146

“Mohlabani” ka ho khetheha bakeng sa Litaba tsa Latin Fashion ka Gabriel Ibarzabal.

E nkiloe ke Balthier Corfi

Tlhahiso / Setaele: Iram Murra

Mohlala: Francisco Escobar @ Wilhelmina Models New York.

© Balthier Corfi | New York, 2014.

Setšoantšo se makatsang ka Balthier Corfi bakeng sa Latin Fashion News, Setsebi sa Lifoto se hloahloa se lulang NYC. Re hlolloa ke eona. Tsoela pele ka mosebetsi o motle Balthier!


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