Wood Wood x Disney - Hoetla / Mariha 2014 Capsule Collection


Wood Wood x Disney - Hoetla / Mariha 2014 Capsule Collection

Wood Wood x Disney - Hoetla / Mariha 2014 Capsule Collection

Wood Wood x Disney - Hoetla / Mariha 2014 Capsule Collection

Wood Wood x Disney - Hoetla / Mariha 2014 Capsule Collection

Wood Wood x Disney - Hoetla / Mariha 2014 Capsule Collection

Ntho ea tšebelisano e sa lebelloang empa e khatholla, mofuta o thehiloeng Copenhagen Wood Wood re kopane le Disney ho u tlisetsa pokello ea "House of Mirrors" e nang le tšusumetso bakeng sa Autumn/Mariha 2014.

E tsebisitsoe ke litšoantšo tsa Walt Disney tsa bo-1920 le bo-30's, tšebelisano-'moho e fana ka sebopeho se sothehileng le se otlolohileng sa Mickey Mouse ka sebopeho sa hae sa mantlha sa monochrome se khabisang karolo ka 'ngoe ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng.

Pokello ea li-capsule e na le liaparo tsa ka ntle, li-sweat, li-tee, li-shirting le lisebelisoa tse kang li-beanies le li-caps tseo kaofela li qetiloeng ka mokhoa o tloaelehileng oa liaparo tsa seterateng, e leng letšoao la letšoao la bophelo ba Danish.

The Wood Wood x Disney Pokello ea Capsule ea Hoetla / Mariha 2014 e qala 3rd November 2014 ho END.


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