Stranger Things Actor Dacre Montgomery for GQ Germany July 2019


Mona ke tlhase ea Stranger Things Actor Dacre Montgomery bakeng sa GQ Germany Phupu 2019

Ho nka lifoto ka Fanny Latour-Lambert setšoantšisi se bapalang Billy Hargrove letotong le tsebahalang la Netflix Stranger Things 3.

Dacre Montgomery Stranger Things 3 actor

“Ke ne ke se ngoana ea molemo sekolong. Ke ne ke se ngoana e mobe. Ke ne ke sa tsepamise maikutlo. Limaraka tsa ka li ne li se ntle. Ke ile ka qamaka, ua tseba, mohato oo motho e mong le e mong a fetileng ho oona. ”

Dacre Montgomery

Stranger Things Actor Dacre Montgomery for GQ Germany July 2019 29375_2

Mabapi le Dacre

Dacre o hlahile ka 1994 Perth, Australia Bophirima. Ha a le lilemo li 10 o ile a ba le karolo ea hae ea pele e le tlatsetso filiming e khuts'oane mme a etsa qeto ea hore o tla phehella mosebetsi oa ho ba setšoantšisi.

Dacre Montgomery o lutse ka kichineng

Osele Lintho 3 Actor Dacre Montgomery

O qalile litlelase tse felletseng tsa botšoantšisi ha a le lilemo li 12 le sekolo sa koetliso sa lehae hape le k'hamphani ea theatre mme ho pholletsa le nako ena o ne a atisa ho sebetsa ka lihlopha tsa maemo a holimo moo a neng a pepesehetse ho sebetsa le koetliso hammoho le bacha ba baholo.

Sebapali Dacre Montgomery ea tsubang

Dacre esale a rata Hugh Jackman, ea fumaneng lengolo la WAAPA mme a lula Perth lilemong tsa hae tsa univesithi. O boetse o hlolloa haholo ke Heath Ledger, ea hōletseng Perth le ea ileng a mo susumelletsa ho lumela hore le eena a ka khona ho fihla Hollywood.

Sebapali Dacre Montgomery

Kamora ts'ebetso e boima ea tlhahlobo, Dacre o ile a amoheloa ho WAAPA ho etsa Bachelor of Arts in Acting ea hae ea lilemo tse 3. O ile a fumana mangolo a hae ka 2015 ka letsatsi la tsoalo ea hae ea 21st mme a tseba ka mor'a libeke tse seng kae hore o tla be a etsa filimi ea merero ea 3 (A Few Less Men, Safe Neighborhood le Power Rangers) likhoeling tse latelang tsa 6.

Stranger Things Actor Dacre Montgomery for GQ Germany July 2019 29375_7

Stranger Things Actor Dacre Montgomery for GQ Germany July 2019 29375_8

Leha e ile ea nkuoa naheng ea habo ea Australia, Molemo Ho Hlokomela (2016) o tšoaile qalo ea hae ea ho bapala filiming ea Amerika, hammoho le mokoloto oa hae oa pele o moholo oa filimi.

Sebapali Dacre Montgomery

Moshanyana e Mobe

Sengoloa sa feshene le sekoaelo se ngotsoe ke Simon Robins le boitlhopho ke Paula Jane Hamilton, ea thunyang Los Angeles.

Sebapali Dacre Montgomery

Ka la 23 Motšeanong, Dacre o ile a hlahisa papatso e felletseng ea H&M x Stranger Things Collection e seng e rekisitsoe.

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"Ke tsoa sekolong sa litšoantšiso, 'me ke sehlopha sa batho ba 18 ba sebetsang hammoho tlhahisong e' ngoe le e 'ngoe le ho arola likarolo ka lilemo tse tharo, kahoo ke amehile haholo ka sehlopha."

Dacre Montgomery

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@dacremontgomery a los angeles

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Sheba Khatiso ea @gq_germany

Sets'oants'o sa lifoto: Fanny Latour-Lambert @latourfanny

Stylist: Simon Robins @simonrobins1000

Boikoetliso: Paula Jane Hamilton @makeupbypaulajane

Naleli: Dacre Montgomery @dacremontgomery

Bala Haholoanyane