The New GQ Collections Spring/Summer 2017 | GQ UK


E se e fumaneha The New GQ Collections Spring/Summer 2017 bakeng sa GQ UK tokollo ea March, e hlahlobang ho tloha mehleng ea kajeno e monate ho ea ho motho ea tsamaeang ka moso, e etsa hore e be e nepahetseng le e khanyang e le mokhoa oa ho roka le li-denim tse habeli li laolang mekhoa ea bohlokoa ea sehla se secha.

Lifoto tsohle li entsoe ke James White le setaele sa Luke Day. Mehlala ea linaleli Serge le Jack C ho Elite, Mason ho AMCK, Do at Select, Bom Lee le Tim D. ho Models1, Jesse ho Premier, Aubrey ho IMG, Fionnan ho NEXT Models.

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Ho Latsoa ke Paul Isaac Grooming ke Ben Hones a sebelisa Bumble and Bumble le Sisley Paris Fashion bathusi Emily Tight, Georgia Medley, Tasha Suleyman. Retouching ka Lisa Langdon-Banks. mohloli oa litšoantšo

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