Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017


Jeffrey Fashion Cares ke e 'ngoe ea liketsahalo tse etelletseng pele tsa bophelo ba feshene New York City. E thehiloe ka 2002 ke Jeffrey Kalinsky, pula-maliboho ea feshene le mabenkele, 'me e bokelletse lidolara tse fetang limilione tse 5 bakeng sa mekhatlo e hlomphuoang ea liphallelo e tšehetsang litokelo tsa botho tsa LGBT, thibelo ea HIV le lipatlisiso, le thuto bakeng sa bacha ba LGBT.

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The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum (NYC), e bapaloang ka Mantaha bosiu ho Jeffrey Fashion Cares 2017, ketsahalo e se e le selemong sa eona sa 14, ka bongata ba batho ba fesheneng - le basali - ba nyolohelang lebaleng la ntoa la Ntoa ea II ea Lefatše bakeng sa New Year. York ho bokella chelete.

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E 'ngoe ea lintho tse chesang ka ho fetisisa nakong ea fantisi e phelang e ne e le monyetla oa ho qeta letsatsi le behiloeng nakong ea ho nka lifoto le setšoantšo sa monna ea mesifa Diego Miguel. Litefiso li ile tsa eketseha hang ha hunk a hlobola hempe ea hae ka tšusumetso ea letšoele.

Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, USA - 03 Apr 2017

"Ke bolela feela hore ke khutsitse, ke tšepile hore ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e tsamaea hantle, 'me ha e felile ke tseba hore nka phutholoha le ho ithabisa," o ile a eketsa ka potlako, e le hore u se ke ua nahana hore o fetile ketsahalong ea hae.

"Ho na le karolo e kholo ea 'na e khathetseng' me ka linako tse ling e nahana ka bophelo ntle le sena, ke ikutloa eka nke ke ka khona ho etsa joalo," o ile a nahana. “Sena se bohlokoa haholo. Lichelete li bohlokoa haholo. Ke mpa ke tla tsoela pele. ” Ho ea ka Jeffrey Kalinsky.

Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, USA - 03 Apr 2017

Ka ho hlakileng, letšoele le bokaneng le khutlang selemo le selemo le tšepa joalo. Sebapali Giles Marini, mohlophisi oa Vogue Anna Wintour, baqapi Brandon Maxwell le Joseph Altuzarra, le banyalani ba mohlala, Samantha Gradoville le Sean O'Pry e ne e le baeti ba seng bakae feela ba neng ba palame sepalangoang sa lifofane se seng se tlohetse mosebetsi se etsang The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space. Musiamo bakeng sa ketsahalo ea Mantaha o fetileng.

Leha ho le joalo, baeti ba ne ba bonahala ba sa tsotelle boemo ba indasteri ea sekepe ha ba ntse ba noa li-cocktail tsa tequila, ho ja quesadillas le ho bala linyehelo tsa fantisi tse khutsitseng tse behiloeng pela mesaletsa ea nako ea ntoa ea Forties.

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid .Molemo: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Apr 2017 Credit Tlhaloso: Jeff Grossman/

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid .Molemo: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Apr 2017 Credit Tlhaloso: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

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Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

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Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

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Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Mokoloto o Tlamahang: Senepe ka Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575w) Model on the catwalk Jeffrey Fashion Cares show, Runway, New York, USA - 03 Apr 2017

Mokoloto o Tlamahang: Senepe ka Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575w) Model on the catwalk Jeffrey Fashion Cares show, Runway, New York, USA – 03 Apr 2017

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid .Molemo: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Apr 2017 Credit Tlhaloso: Jeff Grossman/

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid .Molemo: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Apr 2017 Credit Tlhaloso: Jeff Grossman/

Mokoloto o Tlamahang: Senepe ka Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575az) Model on the catwalk Jeffrey Fashion Cares show, Runway, New York, USA - 03 Apr 2017

Mokoloto o Tlamahang: Senepe ka Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575az) Model on the catwalk Jeffrey Fashion Cares show, Runway, New York, USA – 03 Apr 2017

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid .Molemo: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Apr 2017 Credit Tlhaloso: Jeff Grossman/

The Annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 On The USS Intrepid .Molemo: Elton John AIDS Foundation, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Lambda Legal Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, New York, United States When: 04 Apr 2017 Credit Tlhaloso: Jeff Grossman/

Mokoloto o Tlamahang: Senepe ka Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575ae) Model on the catwalk Jeffrey Fashion Cares show, Runway, New York, USA - 03 Apr 2017

Mokoloto o Tlamahang: Senepe ka Amy Sussman/WWD/REX/Shutterstock (8562575ae) Model on the catwalk Jeffrey Fashion Cares show, Runway, New York, USA – 03 Apr 2017

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

Selemo le Selemo Jeffrey Fashion Cares Fundraiser 2017 Featuring: Jeffrey Fashion Cares Runway Show 2017 Where: New York, United States Neng: 03 Apr 2017 Credit: Jeff Grossman/

“Ka linako tse ling u nahana hore na ketsahalo e kang ena e ka ba le bokae,” ho sisinyeha hore na ketsahalo e kang ena e ka ba le bokae,” ho sisinya mosali ea tummeng ea amohelang baeti ba bosiu Susanne Bartsch, lintši tsa hae tse telele tsa thupa ea mocheso li ntse li phaphasela ha ho noa veine e ’ngoe le e ’ngoe e khubelu. Empa qetellong ke ho tsebisa batho hore re kopane nthong e itseng. Ha se taba ea ho bokella chelete feela. ”

Mokitlane o Tlamang: Senepe ka Hunter Abrams/BFA/REX/Shutterstock (8563009fk) Sean O'Pry Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, USA - 03 Apr 2017

Mokitlane o Tlamang: Senepe ka Hunter Abrams/BFA/REX/Shutterstock (8563009fk) Sean O’Pry Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, USA – 03 Apr 2017

Mokitlane o Tlamang: Senepe ka Hunter Abrams/BFA/REX/Shutterstock (8563009bp) Eric Rutherford Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, USA - 03 Apr 2017

Mokitlane o Tlamang: Senepe ka Hunter Abrams/BFA/REX/Shutterstock (8563009bp) Eric Rutherford Jeffrey Fashion Cares Cocktail & Runway Show, Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, USA – 03 Apr 2017

Kalinsky o ile a tsoela pele: "Ke ea lijong tse ngata tsa lijo tsa mantsiboea [tsa liphallelo] New York 'me ha ke li rate. “Ha ke rate ho utloa batho ba bua ’me ha ke rate ho lula lijong tsa mantsiboea. Nka mpa ka tla ho ntho e kang ena moo nka e etelang ebe ke bona bahlankana bana ba batle ba theohang tseleng ea sefofane ebe u se u qetile. Ke nahana hore ke mokhoa o motle. ”

Bala Haholoanyane