Ka betheng le Mohlala oa Monna oa Mogerike: Orestis Maniatas pics ka Andreas Constantinou


Ka feshene Male o phatlalalitse ka thabo hore o betheng le Mohlala oa Monna oa Mogerike: Orestis Maniatas pics ka Andreas Constantinou.

Ka Beteng le Mohlala oa 'nete oa Mogerike oa Monna

Linako tse ntle tsa ho etela Athene ke pakeng tsa Hlakubele le Mots'eanong le ho tloha Loetse ho isa Pulungoana.

Re ne re le betheng le monna oa 'nete oa Mogerike Orestis Maniatas ea emeloang ke The Legion MGT mme o lula toropong.

Litšoantšong tse latelang tsa setšoantšisi Andreas Constantinou re ka bona Orestis betheng a hlobotse, a lula a phomotse betheng.

Andreas ea lulang Cyprase-ke naha ea lihlekehleke e ka bochabela ho Mediterranean.

Ka betheng le Mohlala oa Monna oa Mogerike: Orestis Maniatas pics ka Andreas Constantinou

Ka betheng le Mohlala oa Monna oa Mogerike: Orestis Maniatas pics ka Andreas Constantinou

Ka betheng le Mohlala oa Monna oa Mogerike: Orestis Maniatas pics ka Andreas Constantinou

Ka betheng le Mohlala oa Monna oa Mogerike: Orestis Maniatas pics ka Andreas Constantinou

Ka betheng le Mohlala oa Monna oa Mogerike: Orestis Maniatas pics ka Andreas Constantinou

Ka betheng le Mohlala oa Monna oa Mogerike: Orestis Maniatas pics ka Andreas Constantinou

Ka betheng le Mohlala oa Monna oa Mogerike: Orestis Maniatas pics ka Andreas Constantinou

Ka betheng le Mohlala oa Monna oa Mogerike: Orestis Maniatas pics ka Andreas Constantinou

Mme o tsamaile sebaka sa dimaele tse 696 ho ba Athene. Haeba u tsamaea ka sefofane (se nang le lebelo le tloaelehileng la lik'hilomithara tse 560) ho tloha Cyprase ho ea Greece, Ho nka lihora tse 1.24 ho fihla.

Ke metse e seng mekae e hlōlisanang le Athene tabeng ea bohlokoa ba histori.

Bophelo bo ntse bo tsamaea butle, joalokaha eka toropo eohle e thabela ho tlohela mosebetsi ka thabo matsatsing a eona a khanya e le setsi se matla sa lipolotiki le setso.

Moea o kokobela ka monko o monate oa konyana e tšetsoeng linōko le 'mino o tsoang taverna e haufi, lihlopha tsa tantši li letsa 'mino oa rock har'a litšiea tsa khale.

'Me mabone a khanyang a Omonia Square a bonahatsa litšiea tse benyang tsa Parthenon, tse bonesitsoeng hore bohle ba li bone.

Re sa bue, matšoele a fokola 'me lihotele le lipalangoang tsa sefofane li fumaneha habonolo ho feta lehlabula.

Empa Orestis o ile a fumana sebaka se mabothobotho le bethe ea morena e bonolo, e ne e le moamoheli ea hantle haholo. Hangata o ne a hlobotse.

Sets'oants'o sa lifoto Andreas Constantinou @andreasconstantinou11

Mohlala oa Orestis Maniatas @orestis_maniatas

Agency The Legion MGT @thelegionmgt


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