介绍:Wassim S. by The Ronaldo Photography


介绍:Wassim S. by The Ronaldo Photography

介绍:Wassim S. by The Ronaldo Photography

介绍:Wassim S. by The Ronaldo Photography

介绍:Wassim S. by The Ronaldo Photography

介绍:Wassim S. by The Ronaldo Photography

介绍:Wassim S. by The Ronaldo Photography

介绍:Wassim S. by The Ronaldo Photography

介绍:Wassim S. by The Ronaldo Photography

从迪拜到世界,我们很高兴向您介绍新的潇洒瓦西姆·S。来自迪拜罗纳尔多,一位热衷于捕捉健身男模、新人并捕捉每个男人的感觉的摄影师。对于这次与迪拜 Wassim 最热门模特之一相关的拍摄,您现在可以去访问罗纳尔多 FB 页面查看他的作品。

