

他是来自加利福尼亚的职业健身运动员丹尼·琼斯。他身高 6 英尺 7 英寸(2.01 米),人们——包括我们在内——都看不惯他。老实说,现在这么渴还为时过早,但我们不在乎。



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“从很小的时候我就参与了田径运动,我喜欢运动的一切。我在南加州的一个小镇长大,那里没什么可做的,所以运动是“不费吹灰之力”的。我的大部分成功来自篮球,我在高中时脱颖而出,并获得了加州奥兰治县比奥拉大学的全额奖学金。 ”丹尼·琼斯

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Are you getting out of your comfort zone? . Are you pushing yourself to a point that feels unpleasant? . Are you repeatedly putting yourself in situations that challenge you and force you to overcome them? . Well, you should be. . I've realized that bodybuilding is a lot like life. If you want to grow, you are required to experience discomfort. The more discomfort, the more you grow. Resistance=Growth. . The moment we get comfortable and stop providing that resistance, we stop growing. . Imagine how amazing and well-rounded of a person you could become if you got out of your comfort zone once a day and did something that used to be "off limits" to you. . Inside and outside of the gym, I challenge you to do things that are difficult and to create a personal environment where nothing is off limits. . If you've made it this far in the caption, comment what you're going to do this week that is out of your comfort zone. Maybe commenting something personal on my post is something you wouldn't normally do… great, you've already got a head start! . Let's get better together! .

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在他年轻的时候,丹尼开始饮食不当,体重开始增加,他几乎达到了 300 磅,“我知道是时候改变了。我开始虔诚地锻炼,每天至少花 2 小时来锻炼和锻炼。我看到我的身体发生了变化,几个月内减掉了大约 20 磅。尽管如此,我仍然对自己取得的进步不满意,也不满足于自己的外表。”

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From time to time, I like to share my progress over the years with my new followers. So here ya go. It's crazy looking back on old photos and seeing how far I've come. – Believe it or not, the photo on the left I was working out 6x per week, multiple hours a day. Photo on the right (recent) I'm working out 4-5x a week, a little over an hour each day. . During the time of the left hand photo, I could NOT figure out why I wasnt making the progress I thought I should be for the amount of work I was putting in. I felt my body should be leaps and bounds ahead of where it was. I had a gut and man boobs. Somehow even my hair was out of shape ? . What's the difference between now and then? Slight changes in my training and HUGE changes in my diet. Literally, that's it. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I realized how important a role your diet plays in your progress. 9 out of 10 of the people that come to me for help in getting through a plateau or even getting started in a healthier lifestyle are being hindered by their diet. So, are you where you feel you should be physically? If not, it's probably-you guessed it-your diet. . Not happy with your progress? Hit me up ? – ? [email protected] ? www.dannyjonesfitness.com –

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“我成为了一名 EMT,并开始了解身体是如何工作和运作的。我对我正在学习的东西很感兴趣,并且渴望了解更多。我继续研究营养以及不同食物如何以不同方式影响人体。在两年的学习中,我逐渐将在学习中获得的技术和知识应用到了自己的生活中,不知不觉中,我的身体已经发生了翻天覆地的变化!”

丹尼认为并相信任何人都可以像他一样做出改变,成为最好的自己。 “所需要的只是做出改变的最初想法和愿望,以及将改变付诸行动的计划。无论您的目标或梦想是什么,我 100% 有信心我可以帮助您制定计划来实现它们!我希望你迈出下一步,选择我作为你的教练。我们一起可以让你健康、健康,而且——最重要的是——你可以成为最好的自己!”


新的健身热潮——认识丹尼·琼斯 48972_1

新的健身热潮——认识丹尼·琼斯 48972_2

新的健身热潮——认识丹尼·琼斯 48972_3

新的健身热潮——认识丹尼·琼斯 48972_4

观看此视频,丹尼 (Danny) 如何在这种激烈的锻炼计划中证明自己的实力。


