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  1. This Consent is given to the processing of personal data, both without the use of automation tools, and with their use.
  2. Consent is given to the processing of the following personal data: Personal data that is not special or biometric: contact phone numbers; email addresses; place of work and position held; user data (location information; type and version of the OS; type and version of the Browser; type of device and its screen resolution; source from where the user came to the site; from which site or for which advertising; OS and Browser language; which pages opens and to which the user presses the buttons; ip-address.
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  4. Purpose of processing personal data: processing incoming requests from individuals for the purpose of providing advice; analytics of the actions of an individual on the website and the functioning of the website; conducting advertising and newsletters.
  5. The basis for the processing of personal data is this consent to the processing of personal data
  6. In the course of processing personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection; recording; systematization; accumulation; storage; clarification (update, change); extraction; using; transmission (distribution, provision, access); blocking; deletion; destruction.
  7. Personal data is processed before the individual unsubscribes from advertising and newsletters. Also, the processing of personal data may be terminated at the request of the subject of personal data. Storage of personal data recorded on paper is carried out in accordance with Federal Law "On Archival Affairs" and other regulatory legal acts in the field of archiving and archival storage.
  8. Consent can be revoked by the subject of personal data or his representative by sending a written statement to the address indicated on the home page of this website.
  9. If the subject of personal data or his representative revokes consent to the processing of personal data, the owners of the site have the right to continue processing personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data if there are grounds specified in the Federal Law "On Personal Data"
  10. This consent is valid all the time until the termination of the processing of personal data specified in clauses 7 and 8 of this Consent.
使用和購買零殘忍產品的 5 個優勢

數以百萬計的動物受到傷害或殺害,只是為了公司可以賺取更大的利潤,消費者可以得到最新的時尚商品。在化妝品方面,不幸的是已經有動物試驗的替代品,但公司仍然選擇在動物身上進行試驗,因為它更便宜。然而,在服裝和配飾領域,天然和零殘忍產品的興起表明人們希望擺脫這種做法,並採用創新和更友善的方式。 素食主義者遠離傷害或利用動物的產品。他們的倡導和生活方式拯救了數百萬隻動物,並迫使來自不同行業的許多公司進行創新並推出零殘忍產品。這種轉變並非沒有他們的挑戰,但這種變化並非沒有價值。以下是轉向零殘忍產品的一些優勢:禁止偷獵瀕危動物。這是轉向零殘忍產品的最關鍵的重要性之一。偷獵瀕危動物是一個價值數百萬美元的黑暗產業。動物的象牙、角、毛皮和內臟被出售用於不同的目的,主要是出於未經證實的藥用原因。長期以來,人們一直不鼓勵使用瀕臨滅絕動物的皮毛,穿著這些服裝的名人也受到批評。遠離來自瀕危動物的產品將使這種做法花費數百萬美元,並最終會消失。 這對您和環境都更安全。在化妝品中,由於科學的進步,動物的使用已經過時了,其中培養的細胞可以用於測試並給出更確定的結果。動物試驗的結果可能是不確定的,它會轉化為隨後進入市場的產品。飼養和飼養用於測試或作為材料的動物會產生危險數量的廢物。這些來自動物屍體或其排泄物,如果處理不當,處理這些材料會危害環境。 它是可持續的。來自零殘忍產品的材料通常不是來自動物。這意味著它們是合成的,或者它們來自更可持續的植物。天然產品的興起吸引了現代消費者。純素服裝、純素配飾和純素錢包不僅成為一種趨勢,而且還呼籲在我們的日常必需品中結束對動物的虐待。使用植物性產品而不是動物性產品更容易維持,因為其中一些植物可以在田間種植,維護更少,時間更短。 內心的平靜它可能是無形的,但它不會削弱您知道自己沒有傷害動物而安心的優點。提高認識並採取行動使改變變得更好,這將始終讓您感覺良好,而僅此一項就會有益於您的健康。很明顯,使用這些革命性產品的好處不僅可以拯救動物,還可以使消費者受益。已經有數以千計的公司支持和提供零殘忍產品。質量與傳統產品相當或更好,並且它們是可持續的。我們必須成為有良心的消費者,並隨著種族而進化,我們可以用自己的錢進行投票。...