I-INSTYLE icabangela umlingisi uChris Pratt Man ngesitayela Sept. 2016


Ngenkathi sicabanga kuphela ngomlingisi uChris Pratt wayeyinsizwa nje yesikibha sejini, samangala ngempela ngale nto enesihloko, nakuba simthanda uPratt ngenxa yokuthi amahlaya akhe alingisayo futhi ngoba eyi-hunk, upholile i-InStyle ithatha 'Indoda Yesitayela. ' Ikhishwe ngo-September 2016.

Ku-IG kaPratt kuhlobene ngokuhlekisayo ukuthi kwakungakhululeki kangakanani ukudubula ngaphandle, nelanga elingaka ngaphandle, nakuba engathathwa njengomuntu onenkani, kodwa wabhala lokho okusengqondweni yakhe.

"Kulesi sithombe ngizama ukufaka isandla sami sobunxele ephaketheni kodwa ibhulukwe liqine kangangokuba ngithole iminwe emithathu phakathi. Futhi bengijuluke kakhulu banginika leso sigqoko." UChris Pratt ucashunwe ku-IG

Lesi sici sivele okokuqala kumagazini kaSepthemba 2016 we-InStyle. Ukubona izithombe ezikhethekile zikaChris Pratt nokufunda inhlolokhono yakhe ephelele

Lesi sici sivele okokuqala kumagazini kaSepthemba 2016 we-InStyle. Ukubona izithombe ezikhethekile zikaChris Pratt nokufunda inhlolokhono yakhe ephelele

I-INSTYLE Chris Pratt (2)

“Lapha ngenza sengathi ngiluma intamo nge-tuxedo yaseCanada. Futhi, ngiyacweba amehlo. Futhi ngicabanga, 'Hmm, ingabe kuyabhema lapha? Ingabe angizwani nokubhema? Iyaluma intamo yami?" lol uChris une-charisma esingeke sikwazi ukumelana nayo, ngale kwesitayela sakhe, uChris nguyena okufanele asigcine.

I-INSTYLE uChris Pratt

Udadewethu wangifundisa ukuluka sisebancane. Bese-ke, ngangiluka izinwele zika-Anna ebusuku … kwakuwumkhuba omncane omuhle. Kodwa izinwele zakhe zaqala ukugqabuka phezulu eluka ngoba wayelele phezu kwalo. Ngakho umama ka-Anna wacabanga ukuthi umluko wesiFulentshi ungase usabalalise ingcindezi. Wangifundisa ngesikhathi siseHawaii sishutha iJurassic World. - UChris Pratt.

Lesi sici sivele okokuqala kumagazini kaSepthemba 2016 we-InStyle. Ukubona izithombe ezikhethekile zikaChris Pratt nokufunda inhlolokhono yakhe ephelele

Lesi sici sivele okokuqala kumagazini kaSepthemba 2016 we-InStyle. Ukubona izithombe ezikhethekile zikaChris Pratt nokufunda inhlolokhono yakhe ephelele

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Ok. So the @instylemagazine Photographer saw my earlier post and sent this photo! Proof! I did stand next to a horse. And also, I put that hat on the horses head. Boom. My idea! #classic And it didn't even freak out. I learned how to do that when I was making the #magnificent7 I basically learned a ton about dressing horses in funny clothes, hats, scarves, the like, you'll see a lot of that in the movie. Our horses are wearing funny little hats and boots and smoking pipes. Does anyone ever read this shit? Haha! That's not true. None of it. Well the part about me putting the hat on the horses head is true. I'm like the horse whisperer. Right after this I got it to stand on one foot and break a board with a blind fold on. Then I jumped it. Over a mountain. Not to brag.

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Lesi sici sivele okokuqala kumagazini kaSepthemba 2016 we-InStyle. Ukuze ubone izithombe ezikhethekile zikaChris Pratt nokufunda inhlolokhono yakhe ephelele, thatha iphephabhuku, manje elitholakala ezindaweni zokudayisa izindaba kanye nokudawuniloda ngedijithali.

@instylemagazine September 2016 Indoda Yesitayela kuma-newsstands manje. Isithombe ngu-@thomaswhiteside ; styled by @jamesvaleri; umqondisi wesithombe @lisamartin0563 grooming by @bridgetbragerhair production by @kelseystevensproduction.

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