I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London


I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London - Izilwane ezikhathuni, izimbali kanye nemibhalo ewugqinsi kuvele izikhindi zikakotini namabhantshi kuyilapho imidwebo yemigqa ephuphile yembulwa phezu kwamahembe kakotini.

Iqoqo lalifana ne-lemonade ende ngosuku olushisayo: Limnandi, liqabula futhi linika amandla. Umqondisi weCreative u-Angelo Van Mol uthe ufuna ukukugcina kulula kule sizini futhi wenza isethulo esincane, esimile eTruman Brewery empumalanga yeLondon, isikhungo seLondon Fashion Week Men's.

"Bengifuna into elula, ejabulisayo nehlobo - into abafana abangazijabulisa ngayo," kusho u-Van Mol, osebenze neciko lase-Brooklyn u-Amit Greenberg ngemifanekiso namaphethini avele phezu kwamabhantshi enziwe, izikhindi ezifika emadolweni nokotini. , izinkinobho ezingaphambili.

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_1

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_2

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_3

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_4

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_5

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_6

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_7

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_8

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_9

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_10

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_11

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_12

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_13

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_14

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_15

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_16

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_17

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_18

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_19

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_20

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_21

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_22

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_23

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_24

I-Band of Outsiders Spring/Summer 2020 London 24823_25

Izilwane ezingabonakali, ezikhathuni, izimbali nemibhalo ewugqinsi kuvele izikhindi zikakotini namajakhethi esudi ahlotshisiwe kuyilapho imidwebo yemigqa ephuphile yembulwa phezu kwamahembe kakotini amhlophe. Amasudi enziwe ngezikhindi ezifika emadolweni kanye namahembe anemikhono emifushane, anekhola ayembozwe nge-daffodil ephrintiwe ephuzi, kuyilapho imigexo elukiweyo namakhadikhadi anemigqa ayekhanya njengamawolintshi egazi.

Iqembu labangaphandle Ukuwa/Ubusika 2019 eLondon

UVan Mol uthulise konke lokho kukhanya okusawolintshi ngokungathathi hlangothi kwehlobo - okumhlophe okukhilimu - kumabhulukwe namajakhethi edenim.

Funda kabanzi