I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato


U-Valentin ka-Garrett Naccarato ungumqondisi wezobuciko kanye nomeluleki wobuciko osuselwe e-Montréal, e-Québec.

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

Singumlandeli omkhulu womthwebuli wezithombe u-Garrett Naccarato, silandela lo msebenzi omuhle kakhulu onesihloko esithi "Valentin" nale ndoda enhle kakhulu.

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

Ngomhlaba wangempela nendlela ephelele, u-Garrett ugxile ekuqondisweni kokudala kwezohwebo nokuhlela; ukudlala indima ebonakalayo enqubweni yokudala, kusukela ekucabangeni nasekukhiqizeni kwangaphambilini kuye ekwenzeni, ukukhiqizwa kwangemuva, isakhiwo sokugcina, umklamo kanye nomkhiqizo. Ulokhu ejahe lokho kugijima.

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

Njengoba enobudlelwane bemvelo bemfashini nendlela yokuphila, usondela kuphrojekthi ngayinye ngenhloso yokuthuthukisa ukuxhumana okungokomzwelo okuhambisana nokuxoxwa kwezindaba okuyingqayizivele nokufanelekile, Kungumsebenzi wakhe ukuletha ubuhle ngisho nemininingwane evamile; isikhwama sepulasitiki singenye nje impilo.

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

Ngesikhathi sakhe sokuphumula, u-Garrett angatholakala ekhuluma ngesimo sezulu sasekwindla futhi ethungatha i-remix yakamuva ye-Ariana Grande.

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

Umsebenzi wakhe ungabonakala lapha:

  • Zara
  • Sid Lee Collective
  • I-Applied Arts Magazine
  • Infopresse
  • Umagazini Womnikeli
  • Umagazini we-Flanelle
  • UToni Barbier
  • Amawele kaTrollsen

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

Umhleli oshicilelwe ngo-Ephreli 2019, u-Valentin wolimi lomzimba wesilisa, uvumela i-nostalgia, ukuheha, ubulili nokuningi.

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

Ungachaza futhi ugxeke lonke uhlaka, njengegalari yobuciko.

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

Joyina uhlu lwami lwe-imeyili

Ngokuchofoza thumela, uyavuma ukwabelana ngekheli lakho le-imeyili nomnikazi wesayithi kanye ne-Mailchimp ukuze uthole ukumaketha, izibuyekezo, namanye ama-imeyili avela kumnikazi wesayithi. Sebenzisa isixhumanisi sokuzikhipha ohlwini kulawo ma-imeyili ukuze uphume noma kunini.


Impumelelo! Usohlwini.

Eshu! Kube nephutha futhi asikwazanga ukucubungula ukubhalisa kwakho. Sicela ulayishe kabusha ikhasi bese uzama futhi.

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

U-Garrett Naccarato uyeza futhi abonise uhlangothi oluhle kakhulu lobuciko, ukuthwebula izithombe komzimba wesilisa, imfashini nobuhle.

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

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Available now print & digital go to https://fashionablymale.net/shop LINK on BIO. Amidst the ‘dog days of summer’, a period typically marked by a biological response of lethargy, indolence, or inactivity, PnV’s Fashionably Male Magazine Issue 02 has located some hot male model babes who only slow down to hydrate and wipe the sweat from their brow! It’s the cure for your summer doldrums with a collection of 9 sultry men in 100 jam-packed pages of amazing images by top photographers. Experience the “Good Health & Humor” of Cover Model Eli Bernard, or spend some time “Being Levi McLeod”, or enjoy the striking Chand Smith “Straight from Milan.” Next, we’re serving some “High Octane Energy” with Texan Spencer Crofoot as well as the stunning “Biomedical Science Specimen” in Puerto Rico’s Jay Torres. Plus, sizzling summer spectacular shoots with popular Tyson Dayley, blonde bomber Peter Saffa, teen fitness hunk Eric Abrons and Australian perfection with James Thomas.

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I-Valentine kaGarrett Naccarato

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Imodeli kaValentin

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