Amaqhawe Osuku Lwesimanje


Ngezinye izikhathi, okuncane kuningi. Kunjalo nge-DSECTION Magazine, iphephabhuku lesiPutukezi lezingubo zabesilisa, ngesonto elizayo, lisuka kwelesibili ngenyanga liye kwelesibili ngonyaka ngoshicilelo lwalo olukhulu lweNtwasahlobo/lwehlobo. Amakhava amabili adutshulwe UDanielle Levitt qhakambisa ubuso obusha obukhanya kakhulu banamuhla: USimon James, UJoseph Dolce , futhi UGabriel Marques , egqokiswe abaneziphiwo eziningi UNicola Formichetti eqoqweni lakhe lokuqala leDizili.

Kulandela ingqikithi ethi “Modern-day Heroes,” udaba luhlola izinhlobo ezahlukene zamandla nesibindi, kusukela emandleni amasha, anempilo endaba esembozweni kuya emandleni aqukethwe UFrederico Martins ' isihleli esizolile, esinezingubo ezibushelelezi, ezilula ezikhethwe ngu UNelly de Melo Gonçalves. UClark Bockelman, Alex Dunstan , futhi Matt Trethe gqolozela ikhamera phakathi James White isici, ngesitayela nge UChristopher Preston , ngenkathi UNicolas Ripoll futhi Matthew Holt nikeza ukubuka kuqala okuhle kwe-Fall 2014, futhi kusukela eqenjini lika-Martins no-de Melo Goncalves. Paolo Zerbini inikeza isifundo sokuhlukumeza kwentsha nge Paolo Zagoreo izingubo zokugqoka zasemgwaqweni, ngenkathi Thomas Goldblum wethula ukuthatha okucoliseke kakhulu ngezithombe zakhe zakudala ezinesitayela nge Benoit Martinengo . Okubi kuphela ukwazi ukuthi kuzofanele silinde izinyanga eziyisithupha ukuze sibone umagazini olandelayo.



UGabriel Marques, uSimon James, uJoseph Dolce, uTony, u-Ashley, uBre nguDanielle Levitt, isitayela sika-Diesel uNicola Formichetti

UGabriel Marques, uSimon James, uJoseph Dolce, uTony, u-Ashley, uBre nguDanielle Levitt, isitayela sika-Diesel uNicola Formichetti



U-Taj, u-Emil Andersson no-Jorge Pla ka-Nico Bustos (New York/Paris: ArtList NY (New York) ArtList Paris (Paris) Berlin: Shotview Photographers Management (Berlin), isitayela ngu-Alberto Murtra

U-Taj, u-Emil Andersson no-Jorge Pla ka-Nico Bustos (New York/Paris: ArtList NY (New York) ArtList Paris (Paris) Berlin: Shotview Photographers Management (Berlin), isitayela ngu-Alberto Murtra

Nikola D, Jon Hjelholt, Charles Markham, Guillaume Babouin, Thomas Bukovatz by Frederico Martins, styled by Nelly de Melo Goncalves

Nikola D, Jon Hjelholt, Charles Markham, Guillaume Babouin, Thomas Bukovatz by Frederico Martins, styled by Nelly de Melo Goncalves




UNicolas Ripoll noMatthew Holt nguFrederico Martins, obhalwe nguNelly de Melo Goncalves

UNicolas Ripoll noMatthew Holt nguFrederico Martins, obhalwe nguNelly de Melo Goncalves



UClark, u-Alex noMat kaJames White, obhalwe nguChristopher Preston

UClark, u-Alex noMat kaJames White, obhalwe nguChristopher Preston




UNate Hill kanye noMalthe Lund Madsen kaThomas Goldblum, ebhalwe nguBenoit Martinego

UNate Hill kanye noMalthe Lund Madsen kaThomas Goldblum, ebhalwe nguBenoit Martinego


URyan Hassaine nguFanny Latour-Lambert (Walter Schupfer Management), obhalwe nguBenoit Martinego

URyan Hassaine nguFanny Latour-Lambert (Walter Schupfer Management), obhalwe nguBenoit Martinego


I-Rafferty Law kanye no-Oliver Cheshire kaJames White, ebhalwe nguChristopher Preston

I-Rafferty Law kanye no-Oliver Cheshire kaJames White, ebhalwe nguChristopher Preston

Jake Love, Nathan James and Ben Horsefield by Paolo Zerbini, styled by Paolo Zagoreo

Jake Love, Nathan James and Ben Horsefield by Paolo Zerbini, styled by Paolo Zagoreo

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