I-Pringle yase-Scotland Spring/Summer 2019 Paris


Umqondisi wezobuciko u-Fran Stringer ugxile ezingxenyeni eziwubukhazikhazi zasemgwaqweni ezinomphetho wezemidlalo kanye nokushaya kwe-Eighties ngemibala namaphethini.

Lena incwadi yokubuka ye-Pringle yaseScotland Spring Summer 2019 Paris.

I-Stringer ihlale iklama ngokuthinta okulula futhi le sizini bekunjalo.

Usebenzise iphethini ye-Pringle argyle yaba yizicucu okuhlanganisa amajezi ezingane aluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka naphuzi, kanye namabhulukwe aqinile e-tracksuit noma amajazi emvula kakotini, womabili anomumo wedayimane esiginesha owehla emaceleni.

Lawo madayimane aphinde avela ngephethini eyingcaca emise okuka-V ngaphambili kwelinye ijezi.

U-Stringer uthinte ithrendi yelogo, futhi, ebeka ibhubesi le-Pringle empatheni eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka enezintambo ezibukeka sengathi zidaywe ngethayi, kuyilapho ihembe eliluhlaza lalinombhalo omhlophe we-naif namaphethini athungiwe agqugquzelwe uphawu olusuka kungobo yomlando ye-Pringle. .

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle of Scotland Men's Spring 2019

I-Pringle yaseScotland Men's Spring 2019

Ngakolunye uhlangothi lwe-spectrum kwakukhona izingcezu ze-luxe, kuhlanganise nehoodie enkulu ye-navy cashmere enedayimane elimhlophe elinegama lomkhiqizo phakathi nendawo.

Kwakukhona ne-hoodie empunga elingana ukuhlala ku-24/7, kanye nenketho kakotini kakhilimu enombhalo we-Pringle wethoni-on-tone.

Izingubo zangaphandle zazihlanganisa ijakhethi elilukiweyo eliyisithunzi, elibuyisela emuva elinephethini yedayimane engu-3-D yesithunzi ephindaphinda ngemuva.

Ijazi elilukiwe eliwolintshi lalinemikhono ekhiphekayo futhi laphenduka i-gilet yobusuku obufudumele.

Iqoqo le-Pringle yase-Scotland: @pringlescotland.

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